1. Traditional Ebb & Flow Bench Drip System ? Used Soilless Substrate Slabs, cubes or other grow medium to house the Crop’s Roots & Absorb Nutrient Solution from Drip Stakes which is them collected by large trays that either remove or recycle the excess solution.
  2. NFT Based System  ? Utilizes Large (6” – 12” W) NFT Channels in place of Substrate/Media. Soilless Substrates are NOT used reducing maintenance & contamination as well as allowing the solution to be easily recycled. 
  3. Bucket Based System ? Utilizes (2-5 Gal) Buckets in place of Substrate/Media. Similar advantages as the NFT based system since there is no media involved, plus this method has the added benefit of being able to grow crops of the largest varieties. 


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A plant on a table Description automatically generated
A picture containing indoor, table, sitting, food Description automatically generated


Hydroponics Advantages Over Soil-Based Culture

Assume (GH + Indoors) Based


    1. Cultivate Anywhere

      • Non-Arable Land | Poor Soil + Contamination

      • Don’t Need to Rely on Soil for Nutrition

    2. Isolation from Pests | Disease

    3. Direct + Instant Rhizosphere Control

    4. Can Adjust Parameters Quickly

    5. Higher Planting Densities Vertical System | Sea of Green

    6. Higher Plant Yields Better Control  |  Cultivate All Year

    7. Higher Resin Content High Concentration % & Profile

    8. Efficient Resource Use

    9. Easy to Clean Simple to Sterilize | Replaced

    10. No Weeding

    11. Transplanting Easier